Everyone has a story. Archive yours before they fade away.

What memories do you want to capture before they fade away?

Don't let those memories fade away!

Too many times loved ones have passed away only to be remembered by 

"What was that story he used to tell?" 

Record the stories, tell the family secrets, make sure you have the final word ..... store them with us and release them after you are gone. 

Our passion for capturing your memories and stories is clearly reflected in our dedication to the desires of our clients.  

We respect the requested secrecy and provide secure archiving of your prized information until it is directed to be released by you.


What if you had the opportunity to....... extend time?

We offer in-person video or sound only recording of your precious information.

We loan equipment to you for your own private recordings (deposit required to ensure the equipment comes back home).

- Imagine the extra emphasis that your voice will convey when actually reading your will.

- Imagine the joy your grandchildren will have when they listen to you reading them a favorite story.

We can scan your photos from albums (or even a shoe box) onto digital CD's so they can be shared and/or securely saved.

With our digital recorder you can tell the reason for the photo, or the story behind the scene as you review the important photos of your life.  

  • Contact us at: Everyone_has_a_story@yahoo.com


Consider the value this provides as a gift.

Do not miss the opportunity to capture your relatives voice before they pass away.

Consider the value you would place on hearing your parents, uncles, aunts speaking to you again after they have gone. 

Consider how precious your own voice is in the lives of those who cherish you and then consider that there never is a guarantee that they will hear it tomorrow.

Record your advice and feelings now. We can hold the recording secure until after you have passed away, or called for its release in the future.


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